John N Patricia have been married since 1990. We both accepted Jesus as Savior in our young adult life. However, we were living to please ourselves, not our Creator. It wasn't until early 2014 when we submitted to Jesus as LORD of our lives and began to live and worship how God instructs us in His Word.
Since then, we have discovered the incredible blessings and profound peace that come from obeying the Creator through and by Jesus Christ.
It is our hope to connect the people to the Creator of Heaven and Earth, to His Word and His Messiah, Jesus Christ.
We are dedicated to equipping, encouraging and inspiring Bible Believers to emulate the Messiah so others can see Him in them.
After spending a combined 50+ years serving in the healthcare industry, we are excited to embark on this journey of expanding our ministry to serve fellow Bible believers. We humbly request that you pray that our Heavenly Father would lead and guide us to do His will with this ministry and our entire lives.
Ultimately, His will be done.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
P.O. Box 676, Bardstown, KY 40004, US
Your prayers, support and contributions will enable us to fulfill our vision to: Equip, Encourage and Inspire the Remnant to walk in Spirit and Truth. We deeply appreciate your generous support.
NOTE: Our ministry is not 501(c)3 so your donation is not tax deductable.
JohnNPatricia Hall Remnant Restoration
P.O. Box 676, Bardstown, KY 40004, US