From 2012 through 2015, our small family was broken by devastating personal losses. Loss is one of the most common experiences that we all share in life. This season of loss was extremely difficult for us. Though everyone reacts differently to loss, there are a lot of similar questions: What? What just happened? Why? Why did this happen? How? How do we move forward? What are we doing? Why does it matter? What is the purpose? We began questioning everything… knowing that life had irrevocably changed and would never be the same.
At our lowest point, we cried out to God and prayed a powerful and transformational prayer, one that the Creator will always answer, “Who are you? Show us.” and “What do you want from us?” As we began questioning and seeking, we wanted real answers. We wanted real truth. And we found it, we found Him, in His word, the Bible. The God of the Bible promises that when we seek Him with all of our heart we will find Him (Deuteronomy 4:29). In this seeking, we have come to learn more and more about the Creator, and in so doing examine our own lives.
As our family began this intense examination, we became convinced that the God of the Bible is real and trustworthy. He has demonstrated Himself to be true to His Word. Our Heavenly Father began healing and transforming us in amazing and unexpected ways; His truth has set us free from so much bondage. Most of all, we have a peace that surpasses all un, even in the hard times. We are humble and grateful for all that He has done, is doing and will do in us and through us. Our overwhelming thankfulness fills us with a desire to continue to learn all we can about our Creator and how He would have us live.
Through this examination we discovered that some of our ideas were wrong about the Creator and Messiah. We had no idea that many of our preconceived ideas and traditions were not supported by Biblical truth. We discovered some of our underlying doctrines were patently false; traditions that we held so dear were rooted in pagan practices that the God of the Bible says He hates! At this point of realization, we had a decision to make: were we going to continue to live life our way or The Way God instructs in the Bible? He had allowed us to be so broken and had shown us enough of who He really is, that the decision was almost instantaneous. God became the leader of our lives. Whatever He says, we do.
Since then, we have made a lot of changes in our family, how we live, love and worship Him, as well as how we interact with others. He is transforming our minds and hearts through His Word and Spirit. As a result, we are conforming our lives to His will as outlined in the Bible. As a family, we have made the commitment to love and serve Yahweh (God) with all our heart, soul mind and strength. We have confessed His Son, Yeshua (Jesus) Messiah as our Savior and Master. After living life the way we wanted, thought best, or blindly following traditions that we never truly examined for ourselves, we discovered that what we trusted in did not provide what we needed when we needed it most. We discovered that, for our family, Yahweh knows best and began patterning our daily lives after His Son
Your prayers, support and contributions will enable us to fulfill our vision to: Equip, Encourage and Inspire the Remnant to walk in Spirit and Truth. We deeply appreciate your generous support.
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JohnNPatricia Hall Remnant Restoration
P.O. Box 676, Bardstown, KY 40004, US
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